Mini-Golf in Catalina Time-Lapse

Lots of guitars in this thing working a general theme (7+ tracks). There’s electric, acoustic, a custom electric fretless, old warped acoustic now-open-tuned for slide, real bass.  Another one of those times where we can’t remember who played what.

… and of course, there’s gnomes.

Glitch (BigAssRobot) – Live 1999

We were called Glitch when we formed in 1998 and played shows.  Glitch was a great name for a no-guitar 3-piece band.  Apparently lots of other bands liked that name too.  So we changed it to BigAssRobot, because GMac had the domain name already.

This is the only known video of Glitch, at Tuba Man’s (RIP) in San Diego in early 1999.  For jumping around, the song list/links are in the video description.  Have fun.

Music for Galloping Ladies with Head-Cam in Mendocino

So you have my wife on horseback with a bunch of middle-aged ladies in Jackson State Forest California wearing my GoPro on her helmet, galloping down this hairy trail.  The hard part for us was finding the overriding rhythm – the mean speed.  Well, it’s about 110 bpm, or so.

This is one of those songs where during mixing we could not remember which of us played certain parts.  There’s lots of layers of guitar in there.  But I consider it a compliment as I’m a crappy guitar player.

Powell’s Book Store GoPro Walkthrough Musical Extravaganza Project Thing

I got a single-take walkthrough of Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon 2012.  Then we scored it essentially by the rooms, which are named by color.  There are 10 different musical pieces, which are varying degrees of collaborative writing, recording, and solo efforts.

At about 3:02 you’ll hear a portion of “Elevator Music for Stairwells” which we are pushing as the perfect all-purpose elevator music that should be used in every movie from here on out where some cliche cheesy elevator music is needed.  I had to really dig to find the crappy drums and strings.

And the HUD map was animated in because we like to make things more complicated than need be.

“I’m a loner, Dottie. A rebel.” in Morse Code, as a bass line. Because…

We were having fun with Morse Code and realized there is a specific rhythm with specific counts for dits and dahs and spaces.  Where there is rhythm, there’s music (or poetry, I suppose).  So we graphed out “I’m a loner, Dottie. A rebel.” in Morse Code (and no, I do not feel the need to source the quote, okay, fine), plugged it into a step sequencer, and then turned the notes into a bass line. Then we added some drums (that was the hard part) to the odd bit, I did this animation, and …

I Dig a Pony … a Minecraft Pony

So Schlock’s running this Minecraft server. And Beatles’ I Dig a Pony kept popping into my head … and the lyrics oddly fit Minecraft. So we did this Beatles / Minecraft Theme mashup piano version and I cut this vid today. There’s ponies!

Oh, and this is my fairly new Blue Spark mic which is simply superb.

All-Purpose Elevator Music by BigAssRobot

Needed some elevator music for a stairwell shot, so I made a nice all-purpose elevator music file. Bumped it hard at about 3k Hz for a nice tinny sound, then shot the studio on my tablet (aka The Slab) with it playing in the background for full effect. Oddly, took a while to find awful drum machine sounds. — recorded at Stoneybluff. // If you need elevator music, drop a line and I’ll share the .wav file with you, sans eq, so you can make it as tinny as you like…

My Guest Post on Techdirt … Last Week (Lagging)

So TechDirt can post dozens of lengthy stories a day … if you don’t see it when it posts you’ll have to look for it.  And I can’t even get my own post there into this blog for a whole week.  Hey – there’s all this stuff in real life that needs doing, and there’s baseball.

Anyway, I was asked and honored to do last week’s Saturday guest post, as that super-cool ubergeekerific.  Here ’tis: GMacGuffin’s Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week | Techdirt